Saturday, February 9, 2008

Detroit River Pics Pt. 2

Three more pics from the Detroit River 2007 series

Blu-ray Won The Battle

This video was posted on YouTube the day after the Warner Brothers announcement that they were releasing their hi-definition dvds exclusively with Blu-ray. It's really quite funny and amazing how quickly it must have been edited together. I had held off buying an Hi-Def player until this announcement from Warners. It gave me enough confidence that the end of the war was coming and I went out and bought a Blu-ray player. A Sony BDP S300. After seeing Bladerunner and 2001: A Space Odyssey on it, I know I made the right choice. Good God they look incredible!

River Pictures, 2007

Now there's no debating that the Detroit River is a cesspool. But even cesspools can have beauty. I took these pictures on the Canadian side of the river. There will be a couple more in this series to follow.